Open Positions

Postdoctoral, predoctoral, UROP and technical positions available.

We are looking for highly motivated candidates to participate in experimental and computational projects studying several human diseases using Systems Biology techniques. We obtain diverse data from ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq, ATAC-Seq, WGS, reverse genetics and phospho-proteomics. We analyze these data to identify altered regulatory and signaling networks. Highly motivated applicants trained in either experimental or computational methods are welcome to apply.

Interested candidates should write to apply.fraenkel “AT” mit “DOT” edu

A note to prospective graduate students who have not yet been admitted to MIT:

At MIT students are admitted by graduate programs, not by individual faculty members. If you would like to learn more about the various graduate programs at MIT, including Biological Engineering and CSB, please feel free to contact me. However, it will not have any impact on your chances of admission to the programs.